API Update - News

Refresh endpoint, deeper enriched articles, extended documentation and code optimisations.

Published: Thursday, January 1, 1970

Today is the day, we are implementing a series of improvements and changes to our Product Data API to provide you, the customer, with a better, more efficient and easier way to access product data. We also want to use this news item to inform you of future changes so they won't come as a surprise.

New Endpoint
To kick off the update, we start with the new endpoint. This ‘refresh’ endpoint can be run at the level of product data, price data and stock data. This more efficient ‘refresh’ endpoint contains only the changes since the last refresh.

For example, if stocks change midnight for 50 items of brand X while this brand has 150 items, you will only receive the (changed) stocks of these 50 items of brand X. Please note; the changed stocks of brand Y come along with this endpoint for convenience for now.

We will monitor in the coming period what the reactions to this endpoint are as well as how much this endpoint is used to check whether the operation is as desired and whether further improvements can be made to it. This may also mean that its operation will be different in the future.

Deepening article data
Due to a fatal bug, articles previously did not allow you to retrieve the ‘stockkeeping’ value (whether an item is an order item or a stock item) as well as other data points. This has been fixed by fixing a bug, now along with the aforementioned ‘stockkeeping’ value, you will also receive the value of gross/net weights where available as well as a price article (number) which can be used for grouping articles in addition to the group description/type number.

Broadening of article data
As part of expansion, JSP's first articles are now available in the Product Data API for featured customers.Also, brands such as Helly Hansen have had a series of enhancements applied, making them more populated in terms of data points such as type number, colour and size.

Code Samples & Documentation
To make getting in just a little bit easier again, we have now also expanded the documentation slightly with answers to more frequently asked questions.
We have also created a page with some simple code samples to call the basic endpoint of our Productdata API in 6 popular programming languages (PHP, Java, C#, JavaScript, Python and Ruby).

For the future
So that you can prepare in advance for the next updates, which by the way are a bit more radical, we have produced a list of what we would like to implement in our API:

  • Picture gallery for articles
  • ETIM characteristics for articles
  • Technical and commercial posters (PDF) for articles
  • Be able to generate new tokens automatically (instead of currently manually 1x per year)